


Frequently Asked Questions

I can probably find an expert on my own. Why should I use The TASA Group?
We offer a unique combination of advantages, including targeted referrals to the experts you need; our extraordinary TASAnet® network of distinguished specialists in more than 10,000 expertise disciplines; experienced advisors providing ongoing service throughout the referral process; a reputation for integrity and exceptional service; plus all of the other benefits from more than fifty years of concentrated referral experience. All of this saves you valuable time.

How does The TASA Group find its experts?
A full-time recruiting staff is dedicated to expanding our extensive expert network. We recruit experts from leading universities and medical centers, corporations, trade associations, etc. TASA carefully monitors litigation trends and recruits experts in timely and cutting-edge fields to better serve your needs. Today, we have tens of thousands of experts in our network and a reputation for quality that attracts experts to us. Many others are recommended by professional colleagues in our network, and by our clients.

What are TASA’s charges?
There is a one-time $175 administration fee per expert, per case, which you pay only if you retain or designate the expert we refer. All other fees are included in the expert’s hourly rate. You pay no finder’s fee. For information, visit the Process and Fees Page.

How long does it take to get a referral?
For some cases, we can provide expert information during our first conversation with you. Most referrals are made within 24 hours of your request. For more information about The Referral Process, click here.

Suppose I need an expert at the last minute?
We can usually help you with rushed deadlines. However, there are many good reasons to call us as soon as you think you might need an expert. For your convenience, you can submit an expert request online or by email anytime.

May I speak with an expert before making up my mind? 
Yes. We help arrange your initial screening interview call so you can begin to decide if a candidate meets your requirements and qualifications. For more information about The Referral Process, click here.

Who are your clients?
We have served more than 200,000 clients, most of whom are with law (plaintiff or defense) and insurance firms of all sizes and in all practice areas. Others are in business or with government agencies. Contact Us as soon as you think you might need an expert, so we can help identify the person you need, right from the start.

Do you accept assignments on a contingent fee basis?
We are neutral and have no stake in the outcome or monetary value of a matter. Fees are payable to us upon presentation, regardless of whether or not a matter is successful. Click here for more information about Fees.

Do you screen experts you refer?
We check the selected experts' background information, such as degrees, licenses, and board certifications, for business purposes. We also speak to the experts about their experience before we refer them for a particular matter. However, we always stress that it’s our clients’ responsibility to screen experts carefully and determine if they are qualified and well-suited for the case. Only you know all the factors that should be considered before engaging an expert. That is why, as part of our service, we provide an opportunity for a screening interview with candidates by telephone.


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TASA provides a variety of quality, independent experts who meet your case criteria. Search our extensive list of experts now.

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  • Note: This form is to be completed by legal and insurance professionals ONLY. If you are a party in a case that requires an expert witness, please have your attorney contact TASA at 800-523-2319.
