TASA Webinars: Teachings From the Expert

TASA frequently collaborates with expert witnesses in order to bring you free, informative webinars. We are dedicated to the further education of our clients and experts and are glad to be able to produce a platform for these webinars.
We partner with experts across all specialties; experts from any of our 11,000+ specialties can present a TASA webinar. These experts create a PowerPoint presentation with the information that they wish to present, and we collaborate in order to bring you a well-developed and informative presentation straight to your computer. Our hearty Q+A sessions also allow for the audience to ask any questions and receive a direct reply during the webinar from the expert. Our webinars are also CLE accredited in select states.
To view our upcoming webinars, please click here. Click here to take a look at our archives and our wide breadth of webinar topics. If you are an expert and interested in presenting a TASA webinar, please email marketing@tasanet.com.