Categories: Webinars, Computer/Internet, Human Factors, Medical & Healthcare, Personal Injury, Resources for Attorneys, Resources for Experts, Safety Overuse, Musculoskeletal Disorders and Work TASA ID: 2553 Program Description:On January 24, 2017, The TASA Group, in conjunction with Hand Specialist Elisa Marks, presented a free, one-hour interactive webinar presentation, Overuse, Musculoskeletal Disorders and Work, for all legal professionals. During this presentation, Ms. Marks will discuss:• Impact on Workforce• Examples of MSDS• What is Carpal Tunnel• What is Tennis/Golfers elbow?• Is Equipment Change Enough?• Ergonomic Workstation?• Legal Implications• What Do we Know? Overuse, Musculoskeletal Disorders and Work from The TASA Group, Inc. on Vimeo.About The Presenter: Elisa Marks is a practicing occupational therapist and certified hand therapist in Pacific Palisades, CA. She has been in practice 20 years. Additionally, she is a certified ergonomic assessment specialist. Elisa has been involved in both defense and prosecution cases as an expert witness. She also teaches love continuing education seminars for hand therapists and has authored several e-books. Elisa has been published in the Journal of Hand Surgery and has been a contributing author in several occupational therapy text books. Previous Article Calculating Economic Damages in Wrongful Termination and Class Action Cases Next Article State-of-the-Art Advances in Upper Limb Amputee Rehabilitation and Prosthetics Print Tasa ID2553 Documents to download Overuse, Musculoskeletal Disorders and Work(.pdf, 1.51 MB) - 76 download(s)