Categories: Webinars The I.D.E.A Medical Malpractice Issue: Life Care Plan Cost Reduction and Serving The Needs of Children TASA ID: Program Description:On April 6, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. (ET), The TASA Group, in conjunction with forensic profiler Dale Yeager, presented a free, one-hour interactive webinar presentation, The I.D.E.A Medical Malpractice Issue: Life Care Plan Cost Reduction and Serving The Needs of Children, for all legal professionals. During this presentation, Mr. Yeager discussed:• Birth injury lawsuits• Federal, State and Country care services• The life care plan• Financial requirements• The school connection About The Presenter: Dale Yeager is a forensic profiler and Federal SME with training by the USDOJ and Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. Mr. Yeager is a frequent expert with media outlets including a featured episode of Forensic Files [“Bump and Run” Season 3, Episode 21 2002] and a new History Channel series entitled ‘True Monsters.’ Dale is also a Federal Law Enforcement instructor and SME for the HIDTA High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas and MAGLOCLEN Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network programs.NOTE: There is no recording of this presentation due to technical issues. To view the slides, please download the PDF below. Previous Article Sandy Hook - Liability and Special Education Next Article Danger! Do Not Microwave This Product! Print Documents to download FINAL THE IDEA MEDICAL MALPRACTICE ISSUE(.pdf, 1.33 MB) - 59 download(s)