Categories: Webinars, Business & Commerce, Engineering, Financial/Economic, Resources for Attorneys, Statistical Tools for Attorneys Unplanned Events or “Black Swans” and How to Avoid Them TASA ID: 826 Program Description:On April 5, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. (ET), The TASA Group, in conjunction with engineering expert David Russell, presented a free, one-hour interactive webinar presentation, Unplanned Events or “Black Swans” and How to Avoid Them, for all legal professionals. During this presentation, David Russell discussed:Evaluating, discussing and presenting industrial riskAnalyzing risksThe value of fat-tailed statistical thinkingPredicting various types of eventsThe difference between the EU’s approach to risk management thinking vs. the US approachUnplanned Events or "Black Swans" and How To Avoid Them from The TASA Group, Inc. on Vimeo.About The Presenter: David L. Russell, PE is a professional engineer and the president of Global Environmental Operations, Inc., in Lilburn, Georgia. He has more than 40 years in the environmental and chemical business and has written several books on environmental and security topics. He lectures on security and risk, as well as practical environmental and industrial topics in the Middle East and Far East. He has been involved in several high profile remedial investigations, including Aguinda vs. Texaco (2004), and Sytek vs. Siemens (1995), and others. He has investigated contamination and remediation all over the world, and has lectured on handling of hazardous wastes and materials, as well as safety and security. Previous Article How to Keep the “Expert” in Expert Witness: Tips for the New or Seasoned Expert Witness Next Article Workplace Violence Print Tasa ID826 Documents to download REVIEW Unplanned Events or Black Swans(.pdf, 1.83 MB) - 42 download(s)