Categories: Articles, Athletics, Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Resources for Attorneys, Resources for Experts, Safety Fitness Facility Operations A Forensic Perspective TASA ID: 16839 This article was recently published in the Int. J. Forensic Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp.286–292. Republished with permission.Abstract: Fitness facilities provide a number of services to the public. Those services encompass how to train and create an overall healthy being. There are national standards and guidelines that fitness facilities must follow in order to keep their members safe. Some issues that large and small fitness facilitieshave in common are the lack of knowledge regarding safe practices in the fitness industry. The purpose of this paper is to discuss safe operating procedures and establish an understanding of the industry standards and guidelines in an effort to decrease the incidence of injury or death. The authors will review the standard of care in fitness facility operations from a forensic perspective. This paper will also address frequent contributions to injuries in fitness facilities and provide recommendations regarding implementing safepractices.Download the PDF below to read more. Previous Article Where It All Began: The Evolution of Franchising Next Article The Thunder Rolls and Flights Delay Print Tasa ID16839 Documents to download Fitness Facility Operations(.pdf, 239.09 KB) - 161 download(s)