


Demystifying Airline Pilot Pay

TASA ID: 9740

In a crowded plane, passengers look at their watches (and cell phones), as the scheduled departure time comes and goes. Finally, an announcement is made by the flight crew that the plane has a mechanical issue and will require 30 more minutes to be repaired. The passengers are frustrated, but they are not the only ones. The crew is also irritated – because they are not being paid for any part of this schedule disruption. While the flight attendants work hard to appease the passengers, the pilots are on the phone, in the books, and busy speaking with the maintenance crew about the issue – and they are doing it all for free! Sky-dive in as we discuss the strange and imperfect world of flight crew, and more specifically, pilot pay.

The Role of Background Checks in Firearm Ownership

TASA ID: 321

Firearm ownership is a very hot topic in this country. Mass shootings have further divided the country between pro-gun ownership and those wishing to tighten the laws or even eliminate private ownership of all or certain types of firearms.  Every state in the United States has their own policy on firearm ownership, some seemingly in conflict with federal laws. Even with all of this turmoil, it is important to understand the role that background checks play in firearm ownership. 

As attorneys, you may one day have a case that involves the use of a firearm and understanding why background checks are important in deciding who can and cannot own a firearm, the history of background checks, how they are performed and why they are relevant today may be useful knowledge if you ever have a case where a crime is committed and a firearm is involved. 

Why Use of Force Videos in Court Cases Don’t Tell the Whole Story

TASA ID: 321

As a former law enforcement officer, a security expert and an expert witness, I have seen countless videos of police using force on a suspect or perpetrator. In today’s world, the use of cameras by the police and by the public in taping an incident, while creating a picture of how the incident went down, do not always tell the entire story or even show the events as they actually happened. The assumption is that if a video shows a police officer using force on someone, it explains the entire scenario. That is not always true! The video can only capture an event and it does not take into account the human elements of fear and other specific details that must be considered. As attorneys, knowing how these human elements play into the use of force by the police in any given situation is imperative when trying a case that involves a use of force video of the police.

Gamma Scalping 102 – The Undisclosed Risks

TASA ID: 13992

This article was originally published on NavesinkInternational.com and in Albourne Village, village-us.albourne.com. 


OptionSellers, LJM, Catalyst are among the prominent fund managers currently facing litigation for large losses due to short gamma positions. Retail investors regularly lose their savings by shorting options as well. It is time to explain a few things about the short gamma and the “gamma scalping” strategies.

This article is split in two parts for convenience. The first part, Gamma Scalping 101 – Gamma/Theta Trading, explained:

  • How the daily P&L of a portfolio of derivatives can be expressed with a simple parabola.
  • The concept of break-even, and when gamma brings more value than theta.
  • How historical and implied volatilities explain the gamma scalper’s long-term P&L.
  • How this trader can improve his odds by trading options of high implied volatility.

This second article explains some of the un-stated risks associated with the gamma scalping strategy.

Image/Reputation/Brand Damage:

Does Litigation Solve the Problem?

TASA ID: 2156

When the image, reputation or brand of a person, business, organization or any type of entity has been damaged by defamation (e.g. libel, slander) or any form of communications or action by another, it often leads to litigation.  The wronged party seeks redress in some form or another to “right the wrong” so-to-speak.  It could be simply to have the offending party admit they were wrong (to specific parties or publicly), to have them apologize, to reverse an action, to demand restitution in some form, etc.  In many instances, it involves litigation.

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