Check Challenges to or Criticism of Your Expert’s or the Opposing Expert’s Past Testimony
Avoid surprises at deposition or trial about your expert's previously challenged testimony, or gain a competitive edge by knowing the opposing expert's past challenges in advance. The Challenge History Report 2.0 (CHR 2.0) provides the reported and unreported decisions of an expert witness. The report compiles deeper, customized research revealing challenges, where a gate-keeping standard or rule has been cited and/or the expert's qualifications or methods challenged or strongly criticized by the court. It is important for attorneys to know not only if an expert has been challenged or criticized, but also the overall tendencies of the courts to admit or exclude the expert's testimony after a challenge. Reports may be ordered on any experts, not only those referred by TASA.
What Does a Challenge History ReportTM 2.0 Provide? (if research uncovers relevant cases)
- Customized research, always in real time, never canned. The research is done for you.
- Detailed/Comprehensive content: the expert’s discipline and area of expertise, the disposition of the challenge, opinions (where available), and an expert witness challenge summary.
- Availability in four business days.

Client Testimonial for the Challenge History ReportTM 2.0
Your CHR 2.0 was impressive and rapidly delivered by e-mail to me. It provided me with a source of valuable information, critical to assessing & cross-examining the opposing physician, which I otherwise could not have located & obtained."
-Peter A. Mittenthal, Esq.; George R. Brezina, Jr. Law Offices, P.A.; Tampa, FL
Click here for more information, or contact a referral advisor about the CHR 2.0 at 800-523-2319.
- Payment of $125 (3 business days) or $175 (1 business day) by credit card (MasterCard, VISA, or AMEX) will be required when you order the research. Reports must be ordered on our website. The expert's resume must be uploaded to the request form.

CHR 2.0 Research Advantages
- Superior Resources We use the widest range and combination of research databases and resources publicly available today: case law databases, jury verdict reports, docket repositories, motions and pleadings, appellate briefs, state trial court orders, and more. The CHR 2.0 goes beyond what most firms’ searches can access, or sources in which they choose to invest, holding licenses for tools that some firms and other services rarely possess.
- Strong Focus on Resolving the Problem of Similar and or Common Names Expert names are disambiguated to bring you the most accurate results. Researchers check and differentiate use of initials, middle names, and similarly spelled names, filling in missing data and clarifying details to identify the correct expert and search thoroughly.
Click here to view the criteria used to screen for relevant cases.