TASA ID: 2847 (Agricultural Engineering): Extensive knowledge of coffee science and the U.S. coffee industry. Specifically, well versed in coffee agriculture, on and off-farm processing, biochemistry, ecology and sensory analysis.Expertise in coffee, sensory analysis, tropical agriculture.
TASA ID: 787 (Agriculture): This consultant has been in agriculture during his entire working career. Most of this work has involved the feed industry and working with swine, poultry and pets. Since 1/1/95 he has been self employed as a consultant. This work has taken him to 22 countries some as many as 8 times. During the last 6 to 7 years he has added poultry welfare and the impact of animal production on the environment to his areas of expertise.
TASA ID: 592 (Agronomy): Certified Arborist, Licensed Landscape Architect. Served as delegate for a professional landcare network to a seven man Council of Tree and Landscape appraisers for 13 years. CTLA administers and wrote the guidelines for the plant's appraisal community. Recognized in a contract with FEMA as a senior level professional in arboriculture and horticulture. Has testified in numerous law cases involving personal injuries, fatalities, property damages, and plant evaluations in numerous jurisdictions.
TASA ID: 4316 (Agronomy): Board-Certified Master Arborist, Registered Consulting Arborist, and Certified Forensic Consultant with over 30 years of experience. Extensive experience in tree appraisal and valuation, herbicide damage, tree failure and accident investigation, pipeline / energy / utility tree damage and negotiation, and general tree care. Ancillary training and experience in wildfire behavior and post-fire tree assessment. Extensive experience as a consulting and testifying expert.